The Display of AINTs systems, AINTs protocol, and AINTs milestone core nodes

-AINTs milestone is the 3.5th generation design architecture that constitutes the core node of AINTs systems.

The concept of the AINTs systems:

(GIF video has been slowed down.)

Regarding the node scale of AINTs systems network, AINTs protocol, and AINTs milestone

Many usage scenarios require a large number of AINTs milestone core nodes to work together

(such as factories, farms, infrastructure; monitoring of geophysical environments such as atmosphere, soil, hydrology, etc.)

(Photos of AINTs milestone)

Some past and existing network systems and protocols have clear and hard limitations on the number of connected nodes. With the use of this network systems and protocol, as well as an increase in the number of nodes within a single network of devices, if corresponding network devices are not added, the network transmission quality, connection quality, and latency of the entire system will deteriorate, and the availability of the entire system network will also deteriorate. When the number of nodes within a single network continues to increase to a certain order of magnitude, the entire network systems may become completely unavailable.

The design concept of the AINTs systems network and AINTs protocol is that as the number of AINTs milestone nodes in a single AINTs systems network increases, the connectivity and transmission of the entire system are basically not affected. Of course, the transmission delay will increase, but due to the design concept and architecture of the AINTs systems and protocol, the single network can use the pre-designed ideas and corresponding methods of the AINTs systems to decrease the transmission delay as the entire system expands. And, under certain conditions, the delay can be further restricted. Through these corresponding methods, the delay can be kept within a certain available range value, and to some extent, the delay of nodes can even be reduced under certain conditions.

Not everywhere has network infrastructure

(For example, roads, highways, factories, farms, ships, offshore facilities, etc. that are far away from the city)

(Photos of AINTs milestone)

The AINTs systems and protocol are designed to be independent of external network infrastructure to a certain extent. Without the support of any peripheral network infrastructure, the AINTs systems network and the AINTs milestone core node can still work normally according to the pre-configuration, but obviously, it is impossible to monitor and return data. If it is necessary to monitor the AINTs systems network and return data, only one AINTs milestone node needs to be connected to the Internet, or only one node needs to be connected to the local network where the corresponding AINTs service is deployed, and there is no Internet connection at the same time, then the whole AINTs systems network and other AINTs milestone core nodes in the network can operate normally, monitor and return data, etc.

Not everywhere has power infrastructure

(such as farms, forests, grasslands, rivers, mountains, etc.)

(Photos of AINTs milestone)

The design concept of the AINTs systems network and protocol, as well as the design architecture of the AINTs milestone core node, are designed as a systems network and protocol that can ensure a certain transmission frequency while allowing the AINTs milestone core node to be used for an extremely long time, as well as the core node architecture (specific data cannot be disclosed too much at present, as more accurate testing and continued research and development are needed in the later stage to ensure the accuracy of its data)

The AINTs systems network and protocol are designed as a systems network and protocol that does not rely on peripheral power infrastructure (excluding external support systems, of course, if external support systems also use clean energy power supplies that are not powered by peripheral power infrastructure, the entire system will be completely independent of any peripheral power infrastructure)

Efforts of zero carbon design

If the core node of AINTs milestone is not connected to any external device, its running time depends on the capacity of its internal energy storage (under normal circumstances, the running time will be very long without connecting to any external device and under normal operating load). If the operation time is already very long, and some methods are designed for AINTs milestone, as long as the core node of AINTs milestone is not damaged, does not break down, and the peripheral support system does not break down, its operation time will completely depend on the life of its constituent materials. If all AINTs milestone nodes of the AINTs network systems use these design methods, the whole systems operation of the AINTS network systems (except the peripheral support system) will not need to rely on any peripheral power supply infrastructure. That is to say, during the service life of the whole AINTs milestone core node, and when the whole AINTs systems is not connected with an external power supply, or the external power supply is generated by clean energy, there will be no carbon emission in the whole service life of the whole systems (of course, only when the production link can use clean energy to supply power at the same time, and other links include clean power supply treatment in the recycling link, zero carbon of the whole AINTs systems and the whole life cycle of the AINTs milestone core node will be realized).

Not all usage scenarios are only within a few hundred meters.

(As mentioned above, roads, highways, farms, forests, grasslands, rivers, mountains, etc.)

Efforts of AINTs systems in security

Security is a very important part of AINTs systems network. The AINTs systems network is designed as a full-link encrypted system network (including from the protocol level of AINTs systems and other levels) to ensure the confidentiality and security of its data transmission, and completely protect the security of the whole AINTs systems network including peripheral systems.

(The design details of the network architecture of AINTs systems, AINTs protocol, and the core node of AINTs milestone are still very much involved. Of course, we can't disclose too many details at present, and some systems design architectures are still under construction)

(Photos of AINTs milestone)

The functional testing and open display of AINTs systems will be put on site in the future. The specific opening time has not been determined. It's likely to be after the new team is formed.

(At the same time, I would also like to thank all outstanding semiconductor companies and other related companies for making all this possible now and in the future)

-From AINTs